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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

big bad wolf

i saw a couple of photos of my brother's family in FB going to big bad wolf books sale. n then, i read a few reviews about the sale in other FBs n blogs as well. i was like dont wanna miss it. so, last sunday, me n hubs planned to go to big bad wolf at MAEPS serdang. Along wanted to join. yeah! so, here they go!


at maeps serdang. we parked the car down there and climbed up here with the stroller. huhu. Shuttles are provided but nay, we made it ourselves :)

the queue to get in was rather long but never mind, still under control

here u are! i was like crazy there! the books are awesome! hello book worms!

people at this side reading the unpaid books. huhu

oh my! i was so contemplating! lotsa great books!

i was seperated with hubs n others as we chose our books privately ;D

met a friend there :)

with sophie kinsella's a confession of a shopaholic. this was 1 of my aim! so, i grabbeb 1 :) oh my! there were a crazy bargain! u can get this sophie kinsella's collection and other books at 8 quid only!

queueing to pay. there are the hasil. hehe. wanted to buy more but hello! x gaji lagi!! hehe. but dont be suprised looking at others. they bought books like no tomorrow!

u can really have a shopping spree with discounts 75-95%!! why say more?

waiting for along.

hasil rembatan :p

most of them are husband's. only these 3 are mine. hehe. let start with COA Shopaholic first. ooo la laa!
love ~ izyan al-za'im

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