i am not good in composing story. let me just tell the story with no flowery words. hehe
yesterday i took my annual leave to accompany my mak to get the result of her mamagram test last week. yes. doctor has found a lump in my mak's right breast n armpit. along n me went into the doctor room at PPUM n listen to the doc carefully. nice & polite young chinese doctor.
blablablaaa..... 'u have a breast cancer. stage 3'. the doc told mak. i was like fainting to hear it. but of course we cant show dat to mak. mak cried. of course she's afraid. i rub her back to heal her down. no it's not the end of the world. every1 has 2 be positive. a lot of treatment to move the thing away. insyaallah we the children will pray for mak's health.
so, the doc staright away picked a date. 1 mac 2012 for mak's operation. very2 soon. it is another 2 weeks time. as doc said the thing is quite big n they have to remove the whole right breast. xpe mak, mak tetap mak kami, 1 or 2 never differentiate anything. we just follow what's good. docs know the best. and then about 3-4 months for kimo. i've heard from ppl yg penah go tru the kimo, they said it was like azab sgt. i wont tell dat to mak.
smg mak kuat n i will always pray for mak n support her. things happen n we never look back. life goes on n accept it as a fate. insyaallah everything will be fine. many breast cancer survivors out there n i believe mak is one of them. insyaallah.
i love you mak..... |
love ~ izyan al-za'im