Assalamualaikum! this is a bit late to announce my very good news. but it's okay, good news will always be good eventhough it's been told late. :P
i have turned 26 on last tuesday (24 january) wahh sudah tua! nay! isnt it just a number? ngehngeh. i was in baling dat day. Happy belated birthday to me huhu. Of course hadiah yg paling dinanti2 ialah from my sayang hubby! ngeeee. anyway, he actually asked me to choose my own fav watch from fossil as he insisted to give me fossil watch jugak sbb his bday present from me last year was fossil watch as well. ok2, so, i picked my own hadiah a week earlier and only been allowed to wear it on my bday. haha
yay! |
its pink and am gonna faint! |
the strap was actually white. as i insisted to have pink strap, so, hubs bought another pink strap. owhh super duper like it baby! |
barang baru, so melaram sakan la. ngahaha. hubs bought me pink roses too. tq so much b! best birthday present! |
Besides, there was another bday suprise for me! yippie! hubs gave me this present a week before. tak nk kalah, 1st time beli, tros beli set of 2! hehe |
alhamdulillah... it's double lines! the best bday present ever in my whole life! i hope everything will be so fine in 9 months ahead :) |
love ~ izyan al-za'im