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Friday, 30 March 2012

bandung mali...

Adikku n asyu n her friend baru balik dr bandung. best le kome. berjalan je kejenye! 

acah bough me this butterfly motive cotton. i love it to the max! yay tq so much! ala, nk jait skang or after bersalin? kalau jait skang nnt da x muat. huhu

also for me: telekung, key chain n fridge magnet. like like. n a shirt n t shirt for hubs too

gamba acah da mcm hantu. hahahaa. mcm da bukak kedai kain. byk giler die borong!

pilih2. hehe mcm nk kawen semua beli lace bagai. erm.. nk gi bandung jugak.. erm, sile beranak dulu. hehe
love ~ izyan al-za'im

Thursday, 29 March 2012

teman mak ke al hidayah

smlm mlm. eh tgh mlm bout almost 12am aku bwk mak ke pusat rawatan islam al hidayah at setiawangsa. before this dekat sg pusu tu kan. but never been there. it's no longer operated there. skang ni kt setiawangsa tu la.

erm, mak's appt mmg hari selasa but why la too late. hurmm mmg ramai betul org kt situ. actually my sis da tlg amekka nombor lepas mgrib. n taw no giliran tu estimated will be called pukul 12 lebih mcm tu. so i took a nap first before keluar umah kol 12am to bring mak. it was mak 2nd appt utk breast cancer ni la. harap2 ade improvement.

 erm talking bout mak condition, mmg dia dah ok after operation hr tu. yeah she is now with only 1 breast. but it doesnt change anything. she is still our super mom as usual. mgkin tgn tu x larat sgt. but im glad tu see mak x macam org sakit pon. :)

actually after the operation, she has to go through chemoteraphy but it is just an option. xnak pon xpe. finally mak decides not to do chemo but just go for medication n radioteraphy only. (semua org tau, chemo tu sgt azab kn!) we sibling agree but she still has to go for alternative treatment like al hidayah ni la. also kene mkn buah durian belanda! ramai ckp it's really good for cancer. but last nyte went to mydin to find soursop but xde pulak. pdhal, sblum ni time xnak beli, selalu je nmpak. ermmm. anyone ade nmpak buah durian belanda bgtaw sy, sy nk beli. :)

mak appt card. honestly i think RM50 per visit for the consultation is very high.... ermm

for night session it is open from 9pm - 4am. but with appt only. i heard nk buat appt pon lm. bout 5/6 weeks from the day of appt. sbb ramai sgt org...

with mak. all the women patient kene pakai telekong taw.. see my mak. she looks really healthy kn? i love u mak :)
love ~ izyan al-za'im

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

ikea sale

last week, taw le da gaji. sampai je weekend, hubs ajak gi jenjalan. nk survey stroller katanye. hehe so sweet. but... i just straight away said i wanna go to IKEA la. actually, xde ape pon yg cross into my mind to buy. sbb IKEA kan was on sale last week. so saje la nk gi jugak. ngengade betul. :D

setelah melantak meatballs n chiken wing *wajib tu. haha* bermulala sesi jenjalan kt ikea. mak ai punye la ramai org (as expected. huhu) mula2 konon xde nk beli ape. but tb2 TERambik that big yellow bag. haha isi jgn x isi.

tb2 pulak terasa nk beli bnda yg lain pulak. TERambik trolley pulak sbb x muat beg kuning. adoiyaii. konon2 xnak beli ape. ye? pooodacit! :p
kesimpulannye, xsempat pon survey stroller sbb kt ikea je da sampai ke mlm. ngeh ngeh ngeh. nnt kt gi survey brg baby pulak ye b. weeeee

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Monday, 26 March 2012

munching entry ~ house of nasi kerabu

house of nasi kerabu at prima sri gombak 

my nasi kerabu nara

si gigi besar. :D

honey dew shake n mango juice

hubs xnk nasi kerabu so dia oder nasi goreng USA je.
makanan kt sini biasa jela. setakat ni aku mkn nasi kerabu yg hrga berbelas2 inggit kt kedai yg ada service charge, last2 aku mesti suka nasi kerabu yg jual kt psr mlm je. huhuhu

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Thursday, 22 March 2012

hantar camera gi hospital

ni last 2 weeks nye cite. sendu betul la. haha. hubs' camera sakit sikit. ntah camera xnak focus ke ape tah. bukan aku phm sgt pon psl camera.huhu. so hubs ajak le gi nikon centre kt time square. tp mg lps aku punye la xde mood nk jln gi mn. tp cian hubs xnk gi sorang. so hari ahad dia ajak lg. x sampai ati xnak ikot. dia kata, klo gi time square leh gi jenjalan skali. adoi x larat betul. tp disebabkan nk jd isteri solehah (solehah sgt kan. :p) so gi jgk la... :D

camera kene masuk hospital bout 2 weeks. :D

ya ampun gelapnye gamba...

best la nikon centre ni. camera dr zaman pak kaduk dulu semua ade display kt sini :)

nikon 1 yg aku kempunan dr hr tu. ngade je. cam la reti gune klo beli pon. akakaka. erm, last2 nye, x gi jln2 sgt pon, seyes aku xlarat. aku ajak balik je pastu. hehe. erm, nnt kite jln lg ye b :)

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Tuesday, 20 March 2012


went to my monthly ante natal check up at ampang puteri last saturday. erm as i've been told earlier by the gynae my EDD was supposed to be on Oct 10. but during my last visit, after the gynae measure the size of my baby, then she found out my EDD should be rescheduled. it is 2 weeks earlier.

Erm i noe the EDD will be rescheduled again time after time. it's okay, i will always update my EDD. erm i already changed my baby-gaga pregnancy ticker as well. huhu so at this stage, my new EDD is gonna be on September 16. it's malaysia day + it's holiday + it's as same date as my dad's birthday. it's just an ESTIMATED due date. buka tepat pon kan. but kalau betul lg bagus. ngeee :)

 At 14th week, the fetal should approximately looks like this. erm cam x caya je. masa buat ultrasound xde pon nmpk camni. hehe. x kesahla. jji sihat :)

 Note: i hope i wont be labelled as a too excited-mom-to be by posting post/photos as i did. erm dis is my daily online journal n i will write anything freely. for sure, i am happy with what i'm doing n hopefully it wont put pressure on you readers :)

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Monday, 19 March 2012

xde idea nak letak title ape :p

oh my. i dont know what kinda syndrom is attacking me rite now. feel like updating my blog everyday but the mood gone ke laut. haha. erm...

erm nak cite ape? last 2 weeks went to baby expo at mid valley. but i found nothing interesting. feel like get out of the place pronto. sgt sesak. expo kt klcc hari tu much more happening + comfortable kot. haha. xpela, aku pon dah mark calender for becoming baby expo n the nearest to my due date will be at klcc on august. great! as i dont plan to shop my baby stuff at this early stage :)

but the only thing that really caught my eyes was this princess bed. cantiknye la hai! confirm girl ke anak aku? ngehehe? amboii kaya nye aku nk tido pon berprincess bagai. haha berangan jela... :D

as the traffic at the expo was bad, so i quicly go to mothercare to buy my stretch mark cream. the only pregnancy body care product i use at the moment. erm, anything else should i buy at this stage anyone?

last2 baby stuff ke mana, kasut pink baru jugak yg aku sebat. jgn mara.. huhu
love ~ izyan al-za'im

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Malas nye nak update blog. tolong! ~ ~ ~ ~

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Friday, 9 March 2012

munching entry ~ suraya kg baru

this is my fav restaurant when i come to kg baru. plg suka the porridge sbb i can choose the lauk. hehe

kerang bakar

pulut mangga

my porridge. i picked mushroom n daging bakar ke ape tah tu. seyesly daging tu sedap!! :) how to eat? just mix the lauk2 into the porridge la. hehe :)

actually aku x minat pulut mangga. i just makan the mangga. hehe

eh u mamat kenapa muka masam? hehe. jemput makan :)
love ~ izyan al-za'im

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

charles & keith warehouse sale

i hate this! di kala aku mengandung n focusing on baby stuffs, charles n keith for its 1st time buat warehouse sale pulak. up 2 90%? it cant be happen! charles & keith's heels are all super hot! if only i can wear all those yummy heels. drooling. hehe. xpela, igt nk jgk terjah. cuci mata pon jadila. kekekeke

love ~ izyan al-za'im

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

munching entry ~ chawan

hai! kembali ke udara! hehe. last week was bz kt hospital. not really bz. but i had 3-day leave to accompany mak at hospital. alhamdulillah mak dah selamat operation. just wait for doctor's report next week. hopefully everything will be fine. mak pon nmpk sihat :)

jgn sedey2. meh i share an eatery i went last 2 weeks. lama br nk update.hehe. layanzz

at publika solaris dutamas

my sisters n i had lunch at chawan

my nasi kerabu. yummy!

since i got preggie, i always craving for nasi kerabu. last week je, it was uncountable how many times i had nasi kerabu. ermm biru la anak aku nnt. lol

asam laksa. tooo thick. xleh nk telan sgt.

ape tah tajuk makanan ni. biasa2 je.

bon apetite!

as always. i enjoy nasi kerabu! anyway, i am not kelantanese ok. hehe

ice lemon tea n mango juice. i swear this mango juice is really sedap nak mmpos!!! :D

singgah tutty fruity

alamak, sp suro aku upload tutty fruity ni, rasa nk lagi pulak. cett!
love ~ izyan al-za'im
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