last week,aku, hubs n izz ke cameron highlands dgn family hubs. mestilah excited sbb 1st time nk bwk izz jalan jauh. alhamdulillah izz ok je. x meragam pon. suka suka suka! aku takut dia sejuk sgt ke kan. alhamdulillah x pon. he likes it ;) for this vacation izz berumur about 3 bulan setengah.
kitorang stayed kat iris house resort kt tanah rata. ok sgt2 utk kami yg ramai ni :) last time aku dtg cameron masa aku ngandungkan izz. masa tu baru sebulan kot. hehe. then, datang balik bwk izz. ok next vacation on this 20th, gold coast morib, tungguuu :)
1st time bg izz duduk dlm car seat. selama ni pegang je dia. hehe alhamdulillah...he was very comfortable in there. sesekali aku angkat dia, takot dia boring. hehehe |
izz with abi at bharat tea plantation. aku awal2 da siap belikan snow cap from pumkin patch utk izz for this vacation. love it! |
3 of us :) |
1st time makan scone. sedap jugak rupanya. hehehe |
izz in abi's moby wrap at pasar malam brinchang |
alamak lupa nama farm ni. tp org melayu punye. sempat mkn scone, pie, ice cream, dadih, air, coklat strawberry. semua la ade strawberry. im a big fan og strawbery ok! ni semua aunti2 izz belah abi :) |
ummi beli strawberry balloon ni utk izz. i still remember i have a photo when i was a kid holding the strawberry. hahah now my turn tu buy for izz. how time flies :) |
izz is so comfortable in this moby wrap. i like it! but but, kalo dgn abi, mesti dia mcm x selesa sgt. erm, ummi lebih empuk mingkin? lol |
izz anak ummi budak baik ;) |
abi jeles tgk snow cap izz, abi bought 1 at cameron. aku pon nk jugak. topi strawberry pon jadi laa. hahaha |
chocolate strawberry. nom nom nomm |
love ~ izyan al-za'im
1 comment:
rindunya nak pergi cameron.....last year pegi dgn husband je...rase2 cam nak pegi lagi je dis year bwk ank lak..hehe.
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