memandangkan aku dah lebih 3 bulan meninggalkan blog ni, maka entry2 aku lps ni mmg campur aduk la, aku masukkan cite pasal yg lepas2. mungkian aku selang selikan ngan current story ngan old story. hehehe
erm, yg ni aku nk cite pasal 1st time izz keluar rumah. alhamdulillah izz xde jaundice. so xde la kene gi hospital semula. so ni izz keluar utk 1st immunisation slps keluar hospital. kira yg 1st month la. izz was 32 days old masa tu.
sumpah aku excited nk gi hospital. dgn nervous nye. huhu.
mcm2 aku pk, camne nk gi public bwk anak ni? nk tolak stroller? kalo izz berry mcm mn? nk direct bf or bg ebm je? mcm2 la.
aku with hubs setuju for immunisation izz kite buat di sime darby helathcare (formerly known as subang jaya medical centre)izz's paed is doc fauziah. she is superly recommended. honestly dia mcm kampung2 sket. hehehe. but the way she treats her patient is very nice. i love her.
ye mmg izz bersalin di ampang puteri but kami x nak gi sana dah. ntah la aku rasa mcm xnak gi sana dah. i had a bad experience bersalin kat sana. xnak gi sana dah. wekkkk
so ok la pengalaman pertama bwk izz keluar umah. poyo giler aku. nervous2 bagai. lol. izz nangis kene enjet pon x sampai 2 saat. hahaha. lega...a ku takut izz nangis je. x pon.. hehe. so dah 3 bulan lebih ni, izz da 3 kali dtg utk injection. utk injection pilihan like pnemococoal n rotavirus, kitorang just amekpnemococoal. hubs n i setuju x beri rotavirus utk izz. doc advised us to make a study bout it 1st. after few researches, hubs kate xpayah buat sbb da ade fatwa. ok fine. ikut la masing2 punye pendapat n pendirian. hopefully izz is doing fine without the rotavirus vaccine. ameen... insyaallah...
izz was doing fine at 1st. tidur je dlm stroller :) |
ummi excited bwk izz gi hospital :) |
kasi bedung dia :) |
ukur kepala dia! |
izz's weight is gaining normally :) |
i public BF him for the 1st time. it was cool :) thats my nursing cover i bought from autumnz |
in doctor fauziah's clinic |
izz nangis kejap je. doc tu dukung terus senyap. good boy :) |
ok, next immunisation (4th) will be on jan 25th. love to bring izz to see his paed :)
love ~ izyan al-za'im
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